Moqueca's Adventures

Winter Quarter Prep

I was at a complete loss when trying to decide what I wanted to write about. I haven't talked about this much on here, but I'm a college student at a UC campus, and my university runs on the quarter system. Instead of two semesters every year, we get three quarters - Fall Quarter, Winter Quarter, and Spring Quarter. Fall spans October through December, Winter from January to March, and Spring starts in March and ends halfway through June.

How does this even relate to what I'm going to talk about today? Um. Good question. I ended up deciding to write about how I prepare for college. I think this system worked out fairly well for me last quarter (I got two A's and a B!!), and I'd like to try it again this quarter. I'm also a bit of a productivity nerd, and I want to document in some way how I manage my time. It's a pretty simple, 2 step process, but it helps relieve some stress off my shoulders and get me excited for the beginning of the quarter.

This quarter is also going to really take my system to its limits. Normally, with quarters, I would take between 3-4 classes, but because I am enrolled this time in a class with a corresponding lab section, as well as another 2 credit class, I'm taking 19 credits now, as opposed to my 15 credits from last quarter (which was three 5-credit courses). Now, I'm technically enrolled in 5 different classes, and it's going to be interesting how much more efficiently I need to spend my time this quarter as opposed to last, where I was still able to pursue different projects and activities (my fancy words for procrastinating like a pro) while chugging along the school route.

Happy day two of the New Year, everyone!

Assignment Gathering & Planning Out My Week

  1. I eagerly await the opening of the classes on Canvas so that I can jot down the assignments, their due dates, and any additional notes. I primarily use Notion for this, as Notion has the ability to turn a list of assignments into a calendar view, so that I can easily look at any upcoming assignments when prioritizing that week's assignment list.
  2. After writing down all of the assignments and adding in any relevant information, I go through my physical planner for the first week of school and write down the assignments I'm planning on doing that first week. I try to keep it to a max of 3 assignments per day, because I can get overwhelmed otherwise. I also write down my schedule on a weekly basis in my physical calendar, because it helps me remember what I have going on that week, especially with everything being online right now.