Moqueca's Adventures

tinder date #9 - cheese, waffles & teslas

Lead Up: We chatted a bit about cars and watches (he rebuilds and repairs watches in his free time, which was pretty cool).

Venue: Coffee shop, then a.. weird arcade bar-type place.

Cuisine: He got me a waffle with cheese on it, and then asked if I'd tried Norwegian waffles before. I didn't want to disappoint him (I've devoured countless ones and made my own, they're heavenly), so I think I muttered a 'maybe' and then devoured this one with equal amounts of glee (I was actually restrained and ate politely, I didn't want to scare him). I also got a hot chocolate and tried to offer to get him a drink as a thanks for the waffle, but I don't think he interpreted that correctly and he just said no thanks (I think he thought I was offering to get him a beer, thinking back on it?).

Conversation: It was nice, he was very cute (before the jump scare) and it was polite and some parts were awkward but I think we liked each other well enough.. not sure what he exactly saw in me but he seemed to like something about me. I opted to not wear any makeup on this one, since I was kinda over the whole idea of dating at this point (bright point, his favorite color was red, although I think it's shifted to blue for me).

First Impressions/Random Thoughts: I got jumpscared by the guy's side profile. It was so weird. He was very cute from the front, and then his side freaked me out. I couldn't look at him straight again.

Overall Experience: Odd. The first half was great... until we started talking somehow about Snow White. Oh BOY did he have some opinions on Rachel Zegler and her not being 'white enough' (I must be blind, she doesn't exactly seem like the darkest person around), like he was CLINGING onto the Snow White story with everything. I didn't realize stories could mean that mu- actually I take that back, I still adore the Harry Potter series despite their.. interesting controversy around a certain author, but I'm not sure I'd even verbally defend it to the point this dude did with Snow White. And the arcade was weird and underwhelming and loud and I just wanted to go home at this point with how weird he started to get about everything. Then I lost my headband and had to go back to the coffee shop to see if I could find it, and he just was like "okay" and then left on his bus stop. I get that they're pretty limited and the next one was thirty to forty minutes, but... idk. Maybe my standards are just too high? I just know if he'd left something behind, I'd happily go back and help him look for it even if it meant missing my bus (I did in fact miss my own bus to look for it, and it was fine. I ate a hot dog while I waited. I'm a patient person).

Next Steps: He has a Tesla, so I'm going on a ride next week (I adore Teslas despite Musk being weird). Good luck to future me!