Moqueca's Adventures

intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting has been going pretty smoothly!

I've been at it since the 19th now, so just over a week (I did have one time though where L's girlfriend offered me homemade cinnamon buns and a greek dessert, and I couldn't say no to that even if it was during midnight) and so far it's felt good. I started at 16:8 at first for the first few days, but found it pretty easy and decided to bump it up to 18:6, when I started to notice that I wasn't really feeling the urge to eat much more anyways and was naturally stopping eating a couple hours before I really had to.

It's more difficult in the mornings, and I often find myself waiting for the timer to hit the 18h mark, but it's a lot easier for me to skip the dinner or pushing the time much earlier, which is where I struggled before anyways, so I'm happier about that. But then yesterday I managed to hit the 21h mark and I only ate some protein oatmeal mix and half a bag of veggies before I decided I didn't really want to bother eating and just started fasting from there, which I think is interesting that my body has started to switch from craving food even when full to feeling almost... averse to it.

Now I eat more because I have to, but not necessarily because I'm looking forward to the comfort of food as I did before. I still enjoy food, but it doesn't feel like it's taking up as much time or space as it was before too, and I appreciate it more when I do have it. Plus it's had the added benefit of my food budget dropping way, way more than before, when I was eating through everything I had.

With that though, I'll probably allow tomorrow to be more of a free day, given it is an exam day and I would like to reward myself a bit for going through 4 hours of exam work. I won't feel bad, this is just a thing I've been dabbling with anyways ever since I realized just how much I'd gained during my study abroad (10 kilos is no laughing matter).