Moqueca's Adventures

tinder date #3 - failed christmas market venture

This was a second date with spanish guy!

Venue: A cute coffee shop in the downtown area, originally supposed to be a christmas market but I didn't end up researching it beforehand & it ended up not being open yet. My bad.

Cuisine: I just got a simple mocha latte and he ordered a chai latte. I really enjoy chai lattes, so I was pleasantly surprised at his choice.

Conversation: He carried it pretty well, I mostly sat and listened to him chat about his drunk adventures. I think I did a pretty good job sitting there and listening and not interjecting every five seconds. Sometimes he'd say some.. painfully obvious or slightly without tact, but I'm just keeping an open mind about it all.

Fun Moments: I nearly got hit by a car after I randomly decided to run across the street during a red light - my reasoning at the time was that there was one last pedestrian crossing and I could catch them, but I failed to see the cars starting to move or the green light that was evidently on perpendicular to my crossing. It was exceptionally stupid on my part, but we got a good laugh out of my apparent death wish (between nearly falling into the freezing ocean and now this, I wasn't looking like the brightest human).

Overall Experience: It was pleasant to sit there and listen to him talk and laugh about the silly antics our friends have gotten us into, his weed stories were especially funny to listen to.

Next Steps: Since he still has a couple more finals to study for, we're not really sure if we'll end up seeing each other again before the end of the year, so we wished each other a happy new year and exam season (I'm flying out before his last exam, unfortunately) and he did end up inviting me to a birthday - we'll see how it ends up going.

Final Thoughts: Afterwards, I just REALLY wanted someone to take a nap against. He's mentioned before he's pretty comfortable with close proximity, but given that we're still figuring each other out & my own comfort, I haven't been sure how to break the ice on that yet.